IntelliTect Logo Guidelines
Thank you for considering the use of our IntelliTect logo. Please email marketing@intellitect.com for permission before any type of use. If you have already received permission to use our logo, please review the following visual identity guidelines before downloading any version of the IntelliTect logo.

Logo Disclaimers
In an effort to maintain our brand experience, please do not alter the core elements of our logo, including color palettes and typography. We need to maintain these core elements across every touchpoint, from printed materials to social media to live experience.
The primary IntelliTect logo is shown in IntelliTect blue and black. Accordingly, please use this graphic whenever possible. However, in situations where using the primary logo is not possible, any of the other logos on this page are also approved. Any other alteration of the logo is not permissible.

Logo in Text Format
If the logo needs to be in text format, please use the following:
Blue: #1F70B9 / R:31 G:112 B:185
Font: Perpetua
Horizontal scale: 97%
Tracking: -5%
Download Logo
Thanks again for sharing our brand. Please download any of the following logo options needed.

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