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C# 7 Deconstructors: Implement an Implicit Conversion

Deconstructors in C# 7

While the deconstruct syntax is interesting for its convenience in assigning to a set of variables, what I believe has far broader implications is its potential to provide an “implicit conversion operator” and in a syntax that, quite frankly, is far easier to recall than the implicit cast operator.  For example, I can provide deconstructors that map to a string (the full path), a FileInfo, and a DirectoryInfo:

public void Deconstruct(out string path)
    path = Path;

public void Deconstruct(out FileInfo file)
    file = new FileInfo(Path);

public void Deconstruct(out DirectoryInfo directory)
    directory = new DirectoryInfo(Path);

Alas, at least at this time, this doesn’t work.