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Comparing System Timers

Outlining Three System Timers

I have seen a few samples of code involving the three timer classes provided with the .Net framework over the years.  Juval has such a sample, which he is updating to use ISynchronizeInvoke.InvokeRequired <code>.  Even within the MSDN documentation, however, I have never seen much guidance between when to use </code> System.Threading.Timer <code> and </code> System.Timers.Timer .  I decided to put together a table that outlines the characteristics of all three.

Feature description System.Timers.Timer System.Threading.Timer System.Windows.Forms.Timer
Support for adding and removing listeners after the timer is instantiated. Yes No Yes
Supports call backs on the user-interface thread Yes No Yes
Calls back from threads obtained from the thread pool Yes Yes No
Supports drag-and-drop in the Windows Forms Designer Yes No Yes
Suitable for running in a server multi-threaded environment Yes Yes No
Includes support for passing arbitrary state from the timer initialization to the callback. No Yes No
Implements IDisposable Yes Yes Yes
Supports one-off callbacks as well as periodic repeating callbacks Yes Yes Yes
Accessible across application domain boundaries Yes Yes Yes
Supports IComponent – hostable in an IContainer Yes No Yes

Using the System.Windows.Forms.Timer <code> is a relatively obvious choice for user interface programming.  Choosing between the other two options is less obvious and generally the choice between the two is insignificant.  If hosting within an </code> IContainer <code> is necessary then obviously </code> System.Timers.Timer <code> is the right choice.  However, if no specific </code> System.Timers.Timer <code> feature is required, then I suggest choosing </code> System.Threading.Timer by default, simply because it is a slightly lighter weight implementation.

UPDATE – October 5, 2005

Thanks to Stephen Toub for pointing out that System.Timers.Timer <code> can be used in the Windows Forms designer (although it does not appear in the toolbox by default) and that, using </code> SynchronizationObject <code>, on </code> System.Timers.Timer , there is support for calling back on the UI thread.

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