IntelliTect Joins With WASH
Since 2011, IntelliTect has joined with a small number of Northwest based individuals and companies to fund the Water, Sanitation, and Health (WASH) program in Kirindon, Kenya. The community of Kirindon, which is about 250 miles west of Nairobi, is a rural, poverty-stricken community that has been severely lacking in access to clean drinking water and proper sanitation. World Vision’s WASH project has made great progress toward reducing the number of waterborne diseases by bringing clean drinking water and latrines to schools, hospitals and many homes in the community.
This multi-year project has changed the quality of life for tens of thousands of people in this region of Kenya. World Vision hires and trains local community leaders to plan, manage, implement and assess the success of the WASH program. This emphasis on using local leaders allows World Vision to provide development expertise and resources without imposing solutions on this local community. Imagine the difference in a community when local schools at the heart of these communities gain a deep water well and sanitary bathrooms. Since the well and bathrooms are located outside the school not only do the school children now have a much healthier environment, but the whole community can use the well and latrine also. These communities no longer are forced to live with the debilitating effects of cholera and other epidemic disease. Instead, they are confident that your next drink of water is near your home and clean and safe. Now imagine these impacts multiplied for families hundreds of time over, and you begin to sense the power of this project to change the community of Kirindon, Kenya.
Interestingly, although we have not spoken with her about Kirindon, another sponsor of the Kirindon project is US gold medal winner in snowboarding Hannah Teter.