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Microsoft DevTech

Microsoft Development Technologies Demystified

Crash Courses in Current Development Technologies

Watch our free videos for a crash course on current development technologies.

Picture of Mark Michaelis speaking at IntelliTect's 2019 Visual Studio event.

Mark Michaelis speaks at IntelliTect’s recent Visual Studio 2019 event.

Last month, we held an event to provide updates and training on the latest development technologies from Microsoft. We’d like to share the content. Click the links for videos and repos designed to keep you on top of the technology curve.

Visual Studio 2019

This year’s release continues improving the developer experience. In this video, Microsoft RD and MVP, Mark Michaelis, explains code cleanup, Live Share, IntelliCode and Unit Test updates.

Xamarin.Forms 4.x

Discover significant improvements in functionality and features. In this video, Microsoft MVP, Kevin Bost, demonstrates XAML Hot Reload, Xamarin.Forms Visual, Xamarin Shell and explains their benefits to functionality and productivity.

.NET Core 3

Check out our blog on .NET Core 3 to explore the many new improvements and features introduced into the .NET Core ecosystem. IntelliTect CTO, Grant Erickson, covers overall performance, the many ASP.NET improvements and changes, and explains how you can even write WPF apps that utilize the Core framework. With this being the last “.NET Core” release and “Core” becoming the new framework moving forward, now is the time to start thinking about application migration.


It has never been easier to build apps for Azure. Check out this video by IntelliTect’s VP of professional services, Phil Spokas, to review the ever-expanding cloudscape of Azure application services, including demos on App Services, Logic Apps and Durable functions.

Written by Erin Wissing.

Want More? Check Out Our Material on Other Development Technologies!

Check outMark Michaelis’ article, “Preparing for the Exponential Technology Revolution,” published in this month’s issue of MSDN Magazine.

Or, check out our blog for a solution designed to recover your Windows Photo Gallery metadata so that you can easily sort all your photos, including rotated photos.

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