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How-To: Detecting Virtual Machine Execution

Detecting Virtual Machine Execution Tutorial

Several months ago I came across some C code that cleverly detected whether a process was running on a Virtual Machine or not.  It uses terms like "redpill" and "matrix" in order to symbolize context within a virtual machine or not.  The code places the SIDT assembler instruction into a string and then executes the instruction to determine whether it successfully modifies the expected register or not.  The problem is that the code no longer works with Windows 2003 SP1 and Windows XP SP2.

The issue is caused by the addition of the Data Execution Protection (DEP) feature that current CPUs support and the service packs now recognize.  DEP is a security counter measure against buffer overflow holes.  It prevents the execution of instructions within memory assigned to data and instead only processes instructions specifically allocated within an execution block.  It is a pretty cool feature that required both processor and OS support.

To circumvent DEP it is necessary to place the instructions into memory allocated using VirtualAllocEx() <code> and </code> VirtualProtectEx() <code> with the </code> PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE for the protection.  Here is the updated C/C++ code:

#define WIN32 _LEAN _AND _MEAN#include #include #include

#if _UNICODE #define cout wcout #endif

using namespace std;

void WriteLastError() {
  DWORD dw = GetLastError();
  TCHAR szBuf[80];
  LPVOID lpMsgBuf;

  wsprintf(szBuf, _T("ERROR(%d): %s"), dw, lpMsgBuf);

  wcout << szBuf;


int _tmain() {
  unsigned char matrix[6];

  unsigned char redpill[] = "\x0f\x01\x0d\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc3";

  HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();

  LPVOID lpAddress = NULL;
  PDWORD lpflOldProtect = NULL;

  try {
    DWORD dw;

     * ((unsigned * ) & redpill[3]) = (unsigned) matrix; **

    lpAddress = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, NULL, 6, MEM _RESERVE | MEM _COMMIT, PAGE _EXECUTE _READWRITE); **
    if (lpAddress == NULL) {

    BOOL success = VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, lpAddress, 6, PAGE _EXECUTE _READWRITE, lpflOldProtect); ** dw = GetLastError();
    if (success! = 0) {

    memcpy(lpAddress, redpill, 8); **

    ((void( * )()) lpAddress)(); **
    if (matrix[5] > 0xd0) {
      wcout << _T("Inside Matrix!\n");
      return 1;
    } else {
      wcout << _T("Not in Matrix.\n");
      return 0;
  } finally {
    VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, lpAddress, 0, MEM _RELEASE);

Next I hope to demonstrate the same code in C# using the new Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer() function that Devin Jenson mentions.

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