Looking for Innovation
The Legacy of Architecture
Brunelleschi, the famous architect and artist of the Renaissance, was an innovator who not only learned his trade, he improved upon it. He studied the grand architecture of the ancients of Rome and built upon that solid foundation of knowledge to create new and better design techniques, even inventing useful tools to make the building of the Duomo in Florence a reality.
Building More than Meets the Eye
But did he work alone?
Of course not. Brunelleschi knew visionaries and passionate workers would help him accomplish the creation of the largest spanning brick dome in history. He needed the excellence of artists and thinkers with innovative ideas to match his own. Brunelleschi didn’t follow conventional thought but brought his vision to life, and at IntelliTect, this sort of innovation inspires us.
"We strive to exceed the expectations of our clients," said Mark Michaelis, CEO of IntelliTect. "To achieve this, we don’t just look for a specific skill set, rather we search for phenomenal individuals to join our team and then mold the positions available to fit the people."
This concept of creating positions based on individual team members’ skill-sets and passions might seem revolutionary or backward, but like Brunelleschi, we see potential and look to maximize it in both design and people.
Senior software engineer Kevin Bost put it this way: “The opportunities available at IntelliTect are directly tied to your skill set. The more you can do the more opportunity is available to you.”
If you prefer steady, static, predictable work or dynamic and challenging opportunities, IntelliTect wants to be the place where you succeed. We strive for excellence and have the vision to snatch the highly-qualified, like-minded job-seeker when we see them. Brunelleschi never let his talent rest. He took his passion for architecture and art to the next level by study and application.
We want to be the Brunelleschis of today, innovating and improving. That’s why we’re always looking for great people to join our team!