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Intellovations Spring 2021 IntelliTect Today

IntelliTect Today: Passionate Hard Work During the Pandemic

Springing Past the Pandemic Winter into the Future

Discover Our New Team, Our Scholarship Program, and Our Coding Classes!

We are starting to see signs of spring in Spokane, Washington, not only in the climate but perhaps more importantly, as we emerge from the pandemic winter. To our team, the end of this long year means a return to all the aspects of IntelliTect that make our company culture so strong. Cheers to team lunches, parties, ideation sessions, and mid-day ping-pong matches!

Yuriy Kravstov (left) and Mark Michaelis (right) play ping pong during a lunch break.

As we collaborate within the IntelliTect team in person, we are inevitably finding that impromptu conversations occur as people walk to and from the kitchen. These chats weren’t happening online. Even when we made a concerted effort to have online coffee breaks, the topics were different, and dare I say, less innovative. I am grateful for the opportunity to interact in person again as team members garner immunity to the virus.

Fostering Interest in Coding

The IntelliTect Scholarship

Recently, our Culture Crew created a scholarship application for high school juniors and seniors considering computer science in the Inland Northwest. The application is now live and open to submissions! We are looking for a broad spectrum of people with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Please share the application link with any potential candidates that you know.

Teaching Coding Essentials

In other college-related news, we continue to teach computer science at Eastern Washington University. Recently we finished teaching our Essential C# class and just started an Essential ASP.NET course.

Summer School Crash Course

Over the summer, we are considering the same class regiment in a guerrilla format, an all-day class that covers the same material in a month or less. If this is something that may interest you or a student you know, please email us at We will follow up with more information as we solidify our plans.

Growing the IntelliTect Team

Despite the pandemic, we are still hiring. Over the past quarter, three new employees joined the team, with thirteen total new hires over the past year! We expect a couple more to join the team over the coming months.

Launching the Drone

Austen Frostad, a new full-time team member, holds a model plane he programmed via a virtual network that allows it to receive controls from his laptop. Read our blog about how Austen constructed a plane to deliver snacks to him while jogging.

We are excited about the new team members and all they are bringing to make IntelliTect exceptional!

Want More IntelliTect Today Articles?

Check out previous columns, including Creating IntelliWiki, IntelliTect’s New Normal, or Maintaining Impactful Leadership During The COVID-19 Crisis.

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