Learn how to configure an IoT stack all within .NET with Azure Web App Service, SignalR, Raspberry Pi, and ASP.NET!
In this Meetup talk, Austen and Grant walk you through everything you need to build a real-time IoT device solution on the Azure Web App Service. With the accompanying GitHub repo, you can follow along and create your custom IoT solution while getting a grasp on how to code with .NET on your Raspberry Pi and use ASP.NET and SignalR with it.
We began by discussing the fundamentals of GPIO and the Raspberry Pi, as we create a console app to test the controlling of a servo motor with the Pi’s GPIO pins. We even go into detail on how to debug your .NET code on the Raspberry Pi!
The architecture of our IoT demo project.
Then we set up an ASP.NET server and a Vue app. We discuss the fundamentals of SignalR as we use it to create a two-way connection between the Raspberry Pi and the Vue app. This connection is demonstrated by using the Vue app to adjust the servo motors angle and pressing physical buttons that also control the servo and cause the Vue app to show the changed state of the servo motor.
The physical setup: a Pi 3B+, breadboard with push buttons, and a servo motor hooked up to show the angle of the servo’s arm.
In the end, we have an internet “RC” controller for a servo motor, but you can do oh so much more with these technologies! Join us for some .NET IoT!
Want More?
Check out Michael Stokesbarry’s meetup on Developing with DevContainers using a Raspberry Pi. Also, join the Spokane .NET Users Group so you don’t miss another meet-up!
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