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Employee Spotlight: Problem-solving with Clayton Gravatt

Multiplying Productivity through Solution-oriented Data Analytics

Clayton Gravatt exemplifies precision and wisdom. His knack for problem-solving derives from contemplation and forethought, qualities that make him crucial to the IntelliTeam.

“Thinking through a problem and working towards a solution is interesting,” Clayton said. “On that same note, it can’t just be some arbitrary problem; it needs to have some meaning.”

When he's not focused on calculations and data abstractions, Clayton directs his attention to the outdoors with activities such as archery, hiking, skiing, and hunting.
When he’s not focused on calculations and data abstractions, Clayton directs his attention to the outdoors with activities such as archery, hiking, skiing, and hunting.

While Clayton operates best in all things cerebral, his quality of work always speaks for itself. Clayton consistently exceeds expectations and reinvents methods for problem-solving.

Contributing in Statistically Significant Ways

A team is only as strong as the sum of its parts, and Clayton’s numerical expertise makes him the perfect addition to any data-heavy project.

“Internally, I’ve done some work with IntelliWiki,” Clayton said about IntelliTect’s wiki app for Microsoft Teams. “IntelliWiki involved making an operation dashboard, so the IntelliWiki team has an idea of how the product performs from an operational and marketing perspective.”

An example of the IntelliWiki operation dashboard Clayton created using mock data. The dashboard includes a visual representation of where new IntelliWiki users are located.

When he’s not occupied with internal data modeling, Clayton directs his talents to developing business intelligence for clients. Throughout one of his most recent projects, Clayton constructed and maintained over fifty reports that extract data and present information proactively, giving clients the ability to answer questions before they are even asked. His analytics platform for their insurance management product allows the company to understand better what’s going on with their product.

Making an Exponential Impact

Clayton’s inventive nature and determination naturally lend themselves to cracking the team’s most complex issues.

Once you start to interact with Clayton or see what he can deliver, you are blown away by the excellence he produces. He is incredibly thoughtful and considerate, and his knowledge abounds. It is well worth spending time with Clayton and focusing on listening to him.
Mark Michaelis, IntelliTect CEO

Clayton prefers to actively seek new opportunities to implement formulas and test theories.

“At IntelliTect, there’s the potential to move between projects and more diverse opportunities,” Clayton said. “I like having multiple avenues for creative expression and more than one thing to work on.”

Finding Solutions using Machine Learning

Clayton’s depth of understanding expands beyond typical data analytics into forms of artificial intelligence such as machine learning.

His fascination with machine learning lent itself to assisting fellow IntelliTeam member Joseph Riddle, a software developer with a set-covering problem, and hosting a Spokane Python User Group meetup.

In his recent presentation at the Spokane Python User Group meetup, Clayton demonstrates machine learning problem-solving techniques.
Clayton embodies the IntelliTect mission to be phenomenal people achieving excellent solutions. Once he finally decided to host SPUG, he did an amazing job and it was easy to tell the amount of effort that went into preparing for his presentation.
Joseph Riddle, IntelliTect Software Engineer

While machine learning may appear intimidating to those unfamiliar with its intricacies, Clayton’s definition makes this form of artificial intelligence incredibly accessible.

“Machine learning is probably the broadest and most applicable discipline to problem-solving,” Clayton said. “The basis of machine learning is a field called data science, which is intrinsically domain agnostic. You can represent anything with data, any field, chemistry, physics, education, marketing – all of it is ultimately representable in just numbers.”

Calculating the Correct Angle

While many argue that selecting the correct answer is most satisfactory, Clayton’s approach to problem-solving is more obtuse. He thrives in the abstract, only directing his attention to the concrete when practical.

“Those minutes leading up to a solution, when I can see the puzzle pieces and how they would line up — that’s probably the fun part,” Clayton said.

Want to Learn About Other IntelliTeam Members?

Check out previous Employee Spotlights on:
Meg Woodford, A Plant-tastic Software Engineer
Kevin Bost, A Biker with an Affinity for Mentoring
Mike Curn, An Enterprising SDET with a Passion for Improving
Grant Erickson, A Puzzler Who Uses Software to Maximize Relationships
Andrew Scott, An Analytical Thinker Who Crafts Innovative Solutions
Kelly Adams, An Engineer with a Fanatical Devotion to Quality
Brian Jones, An employee who’s been with IntelliTect long enough to call it accidentally “IntelliTechture”

Written by Nicole Glidden.

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